Saturday, March 21, 2015

I met a real Freedom Rider today: Max Pavesic

He was a Freedom Rider in 1961 and he "and 14 others, black and white, held their ground in a “whites only” waiting room in a train station until they were charged with a breach of peace.
Nonviolent but defiant, the Freedom Riders were hauled off to a maximum security prison and held there near death-row cells for the misdemeanor crime." (Source Bonner County Daily Bee)

Friday, March 20, 2015

I admire Harville Hendrix.  he is founder of Imago therapy which is a widely accepted modality for couples therapy.  I am a believer in his theory, but that's not the sole reason for my admiration.

Harville Hendrix was a professor teaching couples therapy to psychology students when he was divorced.  In fact, her went from the courthouse to teach a class. Here he was, an expert in the field of partner counseling, in a failed marriage.  As it turns out his students knew where he was and greeted him with compassion.  A discussion about relationships ensued where each student shared personal details about past and present relationships.

At the end of class a student asked him what keeps couples together.  He answered: I have absolutely no idea.

That is why I hold him in such high esteem.  When a person regarded as an expert can say those words in the context of their expertise great powers are unleashed.  Having the humility to question ones self and to say so out loud is a great strength. Removing ego and opening the door to new ideas is where true innovation is born.

Over the next year he developed Imago Therapy and subsequently changed the lives of thousands of people.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

So sometimes I'm an idiot.  Not a lot, but I'm entirely capable. This weekend I whipped up a major IRS/ Tax issue for myself.  I had nightmares about it - I was actually eaten by a whale.

Only a day or so after I blog about being annoyed with people that use the internet to support their crazy views...I do EXACTLY that!

I calmed down, checked my sources - found better ones and it turns out it was a false alarm.

Not only an idiot but hypocrite as well.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

I love Facebook but I just despise people that post garbage from the internet.  Fake news. Fake science. Fake theories.  When are people going to wake up and figure out that just because something is posted on the internet DOES NOT MEAN IT'S TRUE!!!

Almost every claim can be checked out by Googling the subject and looking for legitimate sources.  For example the mayo clinic or NIH are pretty good sources.  For science issues or  For politics I like Politifact - I don't always agree with their conclusions but they show their sources of information.

It's a pretty good idea to check things out with sources that have widely acclaimed reliability.

Monday, March 9, 2015

In the past couple of days I've come face-to-face with a couple of conspiracy theories.

First: 911 Truth

What they claim: That the towers came down because of planted bombs and not the planes.  There was a massive cover-up.

When you present contrary data they: Claim the sources can't be trusted because they are either stupid or part of the conspiracy.


What they claim: This pill you can buy for $45 a month can cure a variety of things the least of which is aging. They say the pills will reduce "oxidative stress" by 40% within 30 days." This is measured by a blood test that looks at a thing called TBARS (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances). It does apprently work to lower this marker. But is questionable how much lowering this value effects your health. There are studies - but I can't find one that links health benefits to protandim in human beings.  There is one for mice though...

When you present contrary data they: Any criticism is arranged by the big pharmaceutical companies because they are terrified Protandim is going to cut into their business.  Also, I took protandim for a year and it did nothing for me but relieve me of about $500.  Both the company (when I called to cancel) and local protandim converts say the same thing:  "You won't know what the benefits are until you stop taking it and bad things happen."

Really??? So if I take it and good things happen, then protandim is great.  If I stop taking it and bad things happen protandim is great.  Oh and if I hear anything negative it's the drug company conspiracy.

This is the problem with conspiracy theories:  By their nature they reject any evidence contrary to what the theory holds.  If you find contrary evidence, then you have simply uncovered more evidence of the conspiracy.

I find it incredibly disturbing that intelligent people fall for this crap.  Don’t get me started on Obama birthers and climate change and evolution deniers!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

My paramedic certification is about to expire and there is no way for me to renew it within the rules. I'm sad to see it go.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My post-op diet has changed over today to thick liquids.  Yea!  I am eating soup.  I love soup. I have never loved soup so much. I also get applesauce, sugar free pudding and protein shakes. Next week baby food and the week after REGULAR food!

I have had a few people reach out to me hungry for detailed information about my surgery.  I'm happy to provide that information to anyone.  If you think you might be interested in the surgery email me at and I'll help you.  Don't worry, this isn't like satellite TV where I get $$$ for people I refer!

The basic facts:

Type of Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
Location of Surgery: Mexico
My surgeon:
Cost: $4,716 everything included - travel, taxes, medication, etc (my insurance paid $0)
How I would rate the experience (1-5 stars): 5 Stars

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My little desk fan was making an unacceptable loud noise. I got out my tools and went about the task of fan repair.

I examined it from the front and top and saw nothing amiss so I concluded it just need some oil.  So off to the hardware store to get some oil.

I returned and found I could not get the oil on the shaft without removing the protective cover. I got my trusty screwdriver and removed it, oiled everything and then carefully turned it back on.  Same noise plus some oil spatter.  I decided to remove the fan blades just because I was out of ideas. I took them off, put them back on - tightened, loosened, re-tightened many times with no result.

When I removed the blades I noticed black marks on the back of the blades.  That led me to look more carefully and a saw where some black tape had come loose from the motor housing and was rubbing up against the blades. I cut of the excess tape and viola the noise went away.  Because it wasn't perfectly silent I continued to make multiple adjustments to the blades until I stripped the screw that held it on the shaft.  That made the fan perfectly silent because the blades no longer would rotate no matter what I did.  The fan was ruined.

What this got me thinking about is how often I listen to someone carelessly and go about helping them before I really know what's going on.  Had I really examined the fan thoroughly I could have snipped a piece of tape as the solution.  Instead I went ahead with my "fixing" recklessly and lost the fan.

What if I listened to my friends, family and clients with more patience...took my time and really heard them?  Maybe I could be of service to them instead of stripping their screws.

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, March 2, 2015

I had a very good session with a new client today.  There is few better feelings than being able to help someone find hope.

Started the morning with my new routine: walking a mile.  I stopped along the way to listen, smell and see nature all around me....took deep breaths...cleared my mind entered into the moment.  It's really too bad that shit didn't work today.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

It's pretty hard for me to write about anything other than my surgery and the clear liquid diet.  Let me be clear.  I HATE the clear liquid diet.  If I met clear liquid diet on the street I would not hesitate to kick his ass. I would knock his brothy, protein drinky, herbal tea butt into next week.

They say one of the possible effects of bariatric surgery is irritability. I say screw them!

OK. I feel better now.