Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I'm am in the "hard knocks" learning stage of self publishing.  My first lesson was publishing a book before it was properly edited. People really enjoyed my book but were understandably really annoyed at the editing errors. I hope my newest version is much better in that regard.

Pricing.  Boy did I find a lot of advice on pricing. I started at $0.99 and then went to $3.99, did a free promotion and then had several 1 book sales days at $3.99.

Through my Twitter marketing campaign I came across a very successful and talented author named Lauren Carr (@The MysteryLady).  As I went through her many books I immediately saw every one of her eBook offers was priced at $0.99. Her most recent book she published last month is ranked as #1,013 paid in the Kindle Store. For some perspective I just looked at a recent John Grisham novel released last August and it's rank is #1,163!  Also my paid store book rank is #139,910.

Lauren Carr was gracious enough to re-tweet my book promotion to her 10,000 followers and I was smart enough to immediately re-price my book to $0.99!

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