Friday, April 24, 2015

Just today

Who knows what mysteries lurk deep in the heart of a writer, therapist, paramedic, accountant nerd. I sure don't. The more I dive into the mysteries of my clients, the more I realize what little I know about myself.

I've been busily studying Imago Relationship Therapy with it's theory of unconscious desires and expectations people have of each other. Sometimes I think it's a miracle that anyone stays together ever!

So what's going on in the inaccessible portion of MY brain?

Don't know so I guess I'll focus on the fact that spring is actually here with summer not far behind.  This place (North Idaho) dramatically transforms in the summer to a kind of paradise. I takes an annual long hard winter once a year to see and appreciate that.

This last winter was one of the toughest I'v ever waded through so I'm really looking forward to the changes warm weather may bring.

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